ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
ArrayInsertAtDescriptionInserts a value into an array. Array elements whose indexes are equal to or greater than the new position are incremented by one. The array length increases by one. See alsoArrayDeleteAt; Functions for XML object management in the Developing ColdFusion Applications HistoryColdFusion MX:
UsageTo apply the ArrayInsertAt() function to a multidimensional array, you must specify all but the last index in the array parameter. The following example inserts an element at myarray[2][4]: <cfset ArrayInsertAt(myarray[2], 4, "test")> ThrowsIf this function attempts to insert an element at position 0, or specifies a value for position that is greater than the size of array, this function throws an InvalidArrayIndexException error. Example<h3>ArrayInsertAt Example</h3><p> <!--- Create a new array. ---> <cfset DaysArray = ArrayNew(1)> <!--- Populate an element or two. ---> <cfset DaysArray[1] = "Monday"> <cfset DaysArray[2] = "Tuesday"> <cfset DaysArray[3] = "Thursday"> <!--- Add an element before position 3. ---> <p>Add an element before position 3: <cfoutput>#ArrayInsertAt(DaysArray,3,"Wednesday")#</cfoutput> <p>Now output the array as a list: <cfoutput>#ArrayToList(DaysArray)#</cfoutput> <!--- The array now has four elements. Element 3, "Thursday", has become element four. ---> |