ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
cfrethrowDescriptionRethrows the currently active exception. Preserves the exception’s cfcatch.type and cfcatch.tagContext variable values. See alsocferror, cfthrow, cftry; Handling runtime exceptions with ColdFusion tags in the Developing ColdFusion Applications UsageUse this tag within a cfcatch block. This tag is useful in error handling code, if the error handler cannot handle an error that it catches. For example, if cfcatch type = "any" gets a DATABASE exception, and the code is designed to handle only CFX exceptions, the handler raises the exceptions again, with details intact, so that a higher-level handler can process the error information. If you used the cfthrow tag, the type and details of the original exception would be lost. Example<h3>cfrethrow Example</h3> <!--- Rethrow a DATABASE exception. ---> <cftry> <cftry> <cfquery name = "GetMessages" dataSource = "cfdocexamples"> SELECT* FROM Messages </cfquery> <cfcatch type = "DATABASE"> <!--- If database signalled a 50555 error, ignore; otherwise, rethrow exception. ---> <cfif cfcatch.sqlstate neq 50555> <cfrethrow> </cfif> </cfcatch> </cftry> <cfcatch> <h3>Sorry, this request can't be completed</h3> <h4>Catch variables</h4> <cfoutput> <cfloop collection = #cfcatch# item = "c"> <br> <cfif IsSimpleValue(cfcatch[c])>#c# = #cfcatch[c]# </cfif> </cfloop> </cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry> |