ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
ParseDateTimeDescriptionParses a date/time string according to the English (U.S.) locale conventions. (To format a date/time string for other locales, use the LSParseDateTime function.) Parameters
UsageThis function is similar to CreateDateTime, but it takes a string instead of enumerated date/time values. These functions are provided primarily to increase the readability of code in compound expressions. To calculate a difference between time zones, use the GetTimeZoneInfo function. To set the default display format of date, time, number, and currency values, use the SetLocale function. Example<h3>ParseDateTime Example</h3> <cfif IsDefined("form.theTestValue")> <cfif IsDate(form.theTestValue)> <h3>The expression <cfoutput>#DE(form.theTestValue)#</cfoutput> is a valid date</h3> <p>The parsed date/time is: <cfoutput>#ParseDateTime(form.theTestValue)#</cfoutput> <cfelse> <h3>The expression <cfoutput>#DE(form.theTestValue)#</cfoutput> is not a valid date</h3> </cfif> </cfif> <form action="#CGI.ScriptName#" method="POST"> <p>Enter an expression, and discover if it can be evaluated to a date value. <input type="Text" name="TheTestValue" value="<CFOUTPUT>#DateFormat(Now())# #TimeFormat(Now())#</CFOUTPUT>"> <input type="Submit" value="Parse the Date" name=""> </form> |