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IsXmlNodeReturnsTrue, if the function argument is an XML document object node, including an element; False, otherwise. See alsoIsXML, IsXmlAttribute, IsXmlDoc, IsXmlElem, IsXmlRoot, XmlGetNodeType, XmlSearch, XmlValidate; Using XML and WDDX in the Developing ColdFusion Applications UsageThis function returns True for the following components of an XML document object:
ExampleThe following example tests whether an XML document object, an element, an attribute in the object, and an attribute returned by an XmlSearch function are nodes: <!--- Create an XML document object ---> <cfxml variable="xmlobject"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <order id="4323251"> <customer firstname="Philip" lastname="Cramer" accountNum="21"/> <items> <item id="43"> <quantity>1</quantity> <unitprice>15.95</unitprice> </item> </items> </order> </cfxml> <!--- use XmlSearch to get an attribute node. ---> <cfset lastnames = XmlSearch(xmlobject, '//@lastname')> <!--- Test the objects to see if they are XML nodes---> <cfoutput> <h3>Are the following XML nodes?</h3> xmlobject: #IsXmlNode(xmlobject)#<br> <!--- The items element ---> xmlobject.order.items: #IsXmlNode(xmlobject.order.items)#<br> <!--- The order element id attribute; a simple variable, not a DOM node.---> #IsXmlNode(<br> lastnames[1] returned by XmlSearch: #isXmlNode(lastnames[1])# </cfoutput> |