If you
use list functions on strings that separated by a delimiter character
and a space, a returned list element might contain a leading space;
use the trim function to remove leading and trailing
spaces from a returned element. For example, consider this list:
<cfset myList = "one hundred, two hundred, three hundred">
get a value from this list, use the trim function
to remove the space before the returned value:
<cfset MyValue = #trim(ListLast(myList)#>
this usage, the MyValue variable gets the value "three hundred",
not " three hundred", and spaces within a list element are preserved.
ignores empty list elements; thus, the list "a,b,c,,,d" has four
<h3>ListFirst, ListLast, and ListRest Example</h3>
<!--- Find a list of users who wrote messages --->
<cfquery name = "GetMessageUser" datasource = "cfdocexamples">
SELECT Username, Subject, Posted
<cfset temp = ValueList(GetMessageUser.Username)>
<p>Before editing the list, it is:
<p>(Users who posted more than once are listed more than once.)
<!--- Show the first user in the list --->
<p>The first user in the list is: <cfoutput>#ListFirst(temp)#</cfoutput>
<p>The rest of the list is: <cfoutput>#ListRest(temp)#</cfoutput>.
<p>(Users who posted more than once are listed more than once.)
<p>The last user in the list is: <cfoutput>#ListLast(temp)#</cfoutput>