ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
ImageGetIPTCMetadataDescriptionRetrieves the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC )headers in a ColdFusion image as a structure. The IPTC metadata contains text that describes the image that is stored with it. IPTC metadata includes, but is not limited to, caption, keywords, credit, copyright, object name, created date, byline, headline, and source. See alsocfimage, ImageGetBlob, ImageGetBufferedImage, ImageGetEXIFMetadata, ImageGetEXIFTag, ImageGetHeight, z, ImageGetWidth, ImageInfo, IsImage, IsImageFile Parameters
UsageThe IPTC metadata contains text that describes the image that is stored with it. IPTC metadata includes, but is not limited to, caption, keywords, credit, copyright, object name, created date, byline, headline, and source. The result of the ImageGetIPTCMetadata function is cached in the ColdFusion image to optimize performance. The ImageGetIPTCMetada function applies only to JPEG images. If you try to retrieve metadata for Base64, BLOB, or other types of images, ColdFusion generates errors. Example<!--- This example shows how to retrieve the IPTC header information for a JPEG file. ---> <!--- Create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file. ---> <cfimage source="images\aiden01.jpg" name="myImage"> <!--- Retrieve the IPTC header information saved with the image, such as copyright, caption, and headline. ---> <cfset data = ImageGetIPTCMetadata(myImage)> <!--- Display the parameter values for the ColdFusion image. ---> <cfdump var="#myImage#"> <!--- Display the IPTC header information. ---> <cfdump var=#data#> |