Custom tag variables

A ColdFusion custom tag returns the following variables:


A custom tag can set a Caller variable to provide information to the caller. Set the Caller variable as follows:

<cfset Caller.variable_name = "value">

The calling page can access the variable with the cfoutput tag, as follows:


Request variable

Request variables store data about the processing of one page request. Request variables store data in a structure that can be passed to nested tags, such as custom tags, and processed once.

To provide information to nested tags, set a Request variable, as follows:

<CFSET Request.field_name1 = "value"> 
<CFSET Request.field_name2 = "value"> 
<CFSET Request.field_name3 = "value"> 

Each nested tag can access the variable with the cfoutput tag, as follows:


Form variable

ColdFusion supports the Form variable FieldNames. FieldNames returns the names of the fields on a form. You use it on the action page associated with a form, as follows:
