ORMExecuteQuery(hql, params [,unique] [,queryOptions])


This type of ORMExecuteQuery lets you pass parameters to the query. Use '?' (question mark) as the placeholder for the parameters. The values to the parameters must be passed as an array to params.

In addition, you can specify several options to control the behavior of retrieval using queryOptions:

  • ignorecase: Ignores the case of sort order when you set it to true. Use this option only when you specify the sortorder parameter.

  • maxResults: Specifies the maximum number of objects to be retrieved.

  • offset: Specifies the start index of the resultset from where it has to start the retrieval.

  • cacheable: Whether the result of this query is to be cached in the secondary cache. Default is false.

  • cachename: Name of the cache in secondary cache.

  • timeout: Specifies the timeout value (in seconds) for the query

Note: Maxresults and timeout are used for pagination.


ORM functions


<cfset employees = ORMExecuteQuery("from Employee where age > ?", [40])> 
<cfset employeeObj = ORMExecuteQuery("from Employee where EmployeeID=?", [1], true)> 
<cfset employees = ORMExecuteQuery("from Employee where age > ? and age < ?", [40, 80])>