New querytimeout connection option

As part of the DataDirect upgrade, the querytimeout option has been added in the Advanced Settings panel of the Edit DSN page. The querytimeout connection option sets the default query timeout values for a DSN.

Following is the description of querytimeout and pagetimeout from the DataDirect documentation:

"When the page time-out is much higher and the query times out, an exception is thrown to indicate that the query has timed out. Similarly, if the query timeout is much higher and page times out, an exception is thrown to indicate the page has timed out. However, when a page times out while a query is executing, the page times out only after the query's execution is complete."

A new argument qtimeout has been added to the following methods in the Administrator API:

  • setDB2()

  • setMySQL_DD()

  • setOracle()

  • setSybase()

  • setInformix()

  • setMSSQL()

Note: The qtimeout option is not supported by all databases.

For more information about DataDirect JDBC Connect, see: