Starting rcvdk

To start the rcvdk utility on most systems, type the path and executable name at a command prompt. The following examples assume that you have set your PATH variable, so you have to enter rcvdk at a command prompt to run it.

For example:

c:\coldfusion9\verity\k2\_nti40\bin\rcvdk /common = c:\coldfusion9\verity\k2\common

When you start the rcvdk utility with no arguments, you get the following message, followed by the rcvdk prompt:

Type 'help' for a list of commands. 

The help command produces the following list of available commands:

RC> help 
Available commands: 
search     s Search documents. 
results    r Display search results. 
clusters   c Display clustered search results. 
view       v View document. 
summarize  z Summarize documents. 
attach     a Attach to one or more collections. 
detach     d Detach from one or more collections. 
quit       q Leave application. 
about      Display VDK 'About' info 
help       ? Display help text; 'help help' for details. 
expert     x Toggle expert mode on/off. 

You can enter the letter q at the RC prompt at any time to quit the application.