Overview of Verity utilities

The following command-line utilities are included with Adobe ColdFusion for performing various operations on Verity collections:

Verity utility


For more information


Create and maintain collections.

See Using the mkvdk utility.


Search K2 Server collections.

See Using the rck2 utility.


Search collections and display documents.

See Using the rcvdk utility.


View collection word lists.

See Using the didump utility.


Browse documents table and search results.

See Using the browse utility.


Combine collections.

See Using the merge utility.

Location of Verity utilities

The Verity command-line utilities are located in the following directories:

Server and multiserver configuration
The utility files are located in cf_root/verity/k2/platform/bin (server configuration) or jrun_root/verity/k2/platform/bin (multiserver configuration), where platform is _nti40 for Windows, _solaris for Solaris, or _ilnx21 for Linux.

J2EE configuration
The utility files are located in verity_root/k2/platform/bin, where platform is _nti40 for Windows, _solaris for Solaris, or _ilnx21 for Linux.