Specifying Server Monitor Settings

To specify the settings to use to generate reports, click Settings.

You can specify the following:

  • How often to refresh Server Monitor reports

  • How often to refresh Server Monitor graphs

  • How often to calculate average response times

  • Whether to show the entire template path

To specify what file paths to exclude and include in monitoring and whether to monitor the ColdFusion Administrator, click Settings, and then click the Filter Settings tab.

To specify what file paths to exclude from profiling, click Settings, and then click the Profiling Filter tab.

By default, the Server Monitor collects information about all ColdFusion templates in the webroot directory and its subdirectories and in any directories specified on the Mappings page of the ColdFusion Administrator. However, you might not want to monitor all requests on the server. You specify a path to exclude so that the Server Monitor does not collect information about files in that directory or in any of its subdirectories. This capability is especially useful in restricting monitoring on production servers. Use the Include Paths option to monitor any subdirectories of an excluded directory.

To specify an alias for a template path, click Settings, and then click the Aliasing tab.