Archive and deployment options

ColdFusion includes the following archive and deployment options.

ColdFusion archive files
You can package your ColdFusion application’s pages, data sources, and settings in a ColdFusion Archive (CAR) file. For more information, see Packaging applications in CAR files.

J2EE archives
You can package your ColdFusion application as an Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) or Web Application Archive (WAR) file for easy deployment to a J2EE application server. For more information, see Packaging applications in J2EE archive files.

Cfcompile utility
The cfcompile utility lets you precompile the ColdFusion pages of your application, into Java class files. In addition, you can compile ColdFusion pages to bytecode and save this bytecode in files with the CFM, CFC, or CFR extension. For more information, see Using the cfcompile utility.