Exposing services to users

ColdFusion exposes many existing enterprise services as web services. You can access these services using SOAP and AMF/Flash remoting.

The following are the exposed services:

  • cfpdf

  • cfImage

  • cfdocument

  • cfmail

  • cfpop

  • cfchart

You can secure the exposed services to prevent access by unknown applications or users. This can be done by configuring the client IP address range to which services are accessible. Also, you can set up user access control for the services.

On the Security > User Manager page, you can select the services available to a user from the Exposed Services section.

By default, all the services are listed in the Prohibited Services drop-down list. Press CTRL and select the services that you want the user to avail and click the << button.

Now, click Edit User to implement the changes to the user settings.