This page contains several different types of tables that are being sorted.

The most difficult part of the script's engine is to decide what to choose as the titles and what to sort. In short, the script considers the columns such as the ones below as the valid titles and ignores data rows that are column/row spanned. Notice that all the titles are font-typed (this is set in the script ...).

Row-spanned title cell w/ Rows to ignore. Title cell alignment preserved.

IDDevice ID
1k0003011/09/01 12:14:00 pm
2c0000611/11/01 12:15:00 pm
3a0001610/16/01 08:14:00 am
4b0003109/05/01 10:05:00 am

Row/Column-spanned title cell w/ Rows to ignore

IDDevice IDDate
k0003011/09/01 12:14:00 pm
c0000611/11/01 12:15:00 pm
a0001610/16/01 08:14:00 am
b0003109/05/01 10:05:00 am

Row to ignore

IDDevice IDDateComment
k0003011/09/01 12:14:00 pm1
c0000611/11/01 12:15:00 pm2
a0001610/16/01 08:14:00 am3
b0003109/05/01 10:05:00 am4

Row to ignore. No data row to sort.

IDDevice IDDate
k0003011/09/01 12:14:00 pm

Single column table
